What is JG short for in League of Legends?


League of Legends (LoL) players often use JG as shorthand for jungle or jungler. For example, if a player needs their jungler's assistance, they might send "jg come top" in chat.

What is a jungler?

In LoL, a jungler is a player who focuses on killing the neutral monsters in Summoner's Rift's jungle, rather than fighting in a lane. Killing these creatures provides the jungler with a solid amount of gold and xp, while also leaving more gold and xp for their solo laning teammates.

Typically, each Summoner's Rift team has four laners and one jungler. In addition to killing neutral monsters, a jungler is responsible for supporting laners as necessary and initiating ganks on enemy champions.


Can't believe we lost that game
I can; clear jg diff
A LoL player explaining the meaning of JG diff, a common phrase in which JG is used
A LoL player explaining the meaning of JG diff, a common phrase in which JG is used

Related Slang


Updated December 21, 2023

JG definition by Slang.net

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